Our grants

To assist applicants in deciding whether a project may fall within the scope of the Trust, the Trustees may consider applications for performance, training or education in connection with any of the following:

- liturgical settings of the Daily Office and/or the Mass, or settings of a sacred text (which may be drawn from the Bible or sacred poetry)

- the Anglican repertoire - notable for its great variety, drawing not only on vernacular English settings from the 16th century to the present day, but also, for instance, on both pre- and post-Reformation Catholic church music, other European Protestant traditions (notably Lutheran) and both Western and Eastern influences (eg Taverner)

- choral music with or without accompaniment, most often provided by an organ, and/or by other appropriate instruments

- primarily choral music, but occasionally music for solo organ or instrument(s) within the setting of Anglican worship

- definitions above do not preclude the performance of a Mass or Requiem Mass, motet, sacred oratorio or Passion with solo items and/or orchestral accompaniment

Please note that the awarding of all grants is at the absolute discretion of the Trustees.


The Trustees offer the following additional guidelines:

(a) Applications for smaller sums are more likely to succeed than larger sums: individual grants are unlikely to exceed £5,000. All grant applications must include breakdown costings

(b) An application may be for a ‘one-off’ grant to support an event (eg a service or concert for a particular occasion) or purpose (eg repairs to an organ)

(c) Applications may also be considered to 'kick-start' a project over a period of (say) three years (eg to contribute to the salary of a new Director of Music where the post does not currently exist); in such a case the total grant would not exceed £10,000.

It should be noted that:

• where an application is part of a larger fund-raising campaign Trustees would need evidence of applications to (and confirmed support from) other sources, as well as evidence of the applicant's ability to provide matched funding from its own resources; and

• in the event that after the payment of a grant the project for which it was awarded does not proceed for any reason, the Trustees would require their grant to be returned in full.

(d) Performances or projects must strive for high quality

(e) Proposals must reach out to congregations and/or the local community, and should aim to attract reasonable audience numbers


Recipients of grants will be required to report back on the use and application of the grant within six weeks of the conclusion of any event or project supported by the Trust. It is expected that this report will assess the success of the event or project, and include, as appropriate, details of publicity strategies, audience attendance, etc.


Grant applications should be made on the Grant Application Form here. The completed Grant Application Form should be sent at least six months before the grant is required to:

The Hon Treasurer
The Hampstead Church Music Trust
c/o Hampstead Parish Church
Church Row
London NW3 6UU
or email: [email protected]